Page:European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies.djvu/67

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but it is not now kept in this bundle but is framed and hanging on the wall. Photographs of this manuscript are reproduced in the Am. Hist. Rev., vol. XIV., opp. p. 776; and in the Boletín del Centro de Estudios Americanistas de Sevilla, año III., núm. 7 (March-April, 1915). The text, as entered in the secret register of Alexander VI. in the Vatican Archives, is published in photographic facsimile in J. C. Heywood, Documenta Selecta e Tabulario Secreto Vaticano ( 1893), whence it is reproduced in J. B. Thacher, Columbus ( 1903- 1904), II. 124-136.

Text: Printed. The Vatican text is printed in Heywood, op. cit.; Thacher, op. cit., II. 125-137; and G. Berchet, Fonti Italiane ( 1892- 1893), I. 5-7 (pt. III. of the Raccolta di Documenti published by the Reale Commis­ sione Colombiana). A text from the Simancas Archives, where, in 1797, Muñoz discovered a copy of this previously unknown bull, is in Navarrete, Coleccion de Viages ( 1825- 1837), tom. II., no. 17, pp. 23-27.

Translations: English. Thacher, op. cit., II. 125-137; E. H. Blair and J. A. Robertson, Philippine Islands ( 1903- 1909), I. 97-103. Spanish. Boletín del Centro de Estudios Americanistas de Sevilla, año III., núm. 7 (March-April, 1915).

References: [1]Contemporary and early writings. F. Colon, Historie del S. D. Fernando Colombo ( 1571, etc.), trans. in Churchill, Collection of Voyages ( 1732), vol. II., pp. 501 ff., chs. 42, 43; B. de Las Casas, Historia de las Indias ( 1875), tom. I., c. 79, in Navarreteet al., Coleccion de Documentos Inéditos para la Historia de España ( 1842--), LXII.; G. Zurita, Historia del Rey Don Hernando ( 1580), lib. I., c. 29; A. de Herrera , Historia General de los Castellanos ( 1730), dec. I., lib. II., c. 4.

References: Later writings. J. B. Muñoz, Historia del Nuevo Mundo ( 1793), tom. I., lib. IV., § 18 f. (an English translation of the Historia was published in London in 1797); O. F. Peschel, Theilung der Erde unter Papst Alexander VI. und Julius II. ( 1871); F. Ehrle, "Historische Gehalt der Päpstlichen Abtheilung", in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, XLVI. ( 1894), 383-388; E. G. Bourne, Essays in Historical Criticism ( 1901), "Demarcation Line of Alexander VI."; H. Harrisse, Diplo­ matic History of America ( 1897), ch. III.; S. E. Dawson, "Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI." ( 1899), in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 2d ser., 1899, vol. V., § 2, pp. 467 ff.; J. B. Thacher , Columbus ( 1903- 1904), II. 84 ff.; A. Baum, Demarkatioslinie Papst Alexanders VI. und ihre Folgen (dissertation, Cologne, 1890); K. Kretschmer, Die Entdeckung Amerika's ( 1892), pp. 300 ff.; L. von Pastor , Geschichte der Päpste, III. ( 1899), pp. 517-521; H. Vignaud, Histoire Critique de la Grande Entreprise de Christophe Colomb ( 1911), II. 276 ff.; H. Vander Linden, "Alexander VI. and the Demarcation of the Maritime and Colonial Domains of Spain and Portugal", Am. Hist. Rev., XXII. 1-20. For further references, see J. Winsor, Narra­ tive and Critical History, II. ( 1886) 45, etc., and E. G. Bourne, Spain in America ( 1904), "Critical Essay on Authorities", in A. B. Hart, American Nation.

  1. These are also the references for Docs. 6 and 7.