Page:European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies.djvu/82

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icano ( 1893), whence it is reproduced in J. B. Thacher, Columbus ( 1903- 1904), II. 139-151. An authenticated transcript of the bull, belonging to Columbus, is partly reproduced in facsimile in the Autógrafos de Cristóbal Colón ( 1892), opp. p. 20, published by the Duchess of Berwick and Alba; and the copy entered in Columbus Book of Privileges is reproduced in the facsimiles of that work. (See F. G. Davenport, "Texts of Columbus's Privileges", American Historical Review, XIV. 764.)

Text: Printed. The Vatican text is in Heywood, op. cit.; Thacher, op. cit., II. 140-153; G. Berchet, Fonti Italiane ( 1892- 1893), I. 8-11 (pt. III. of the Raccolta di Documenti published by the Reale Commissione Colom­ biana) ; S. E. Dawson, "Line of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI.", etc. ( 1899), pp. 529-531, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 2d ser., 1899, vol. V., § 2, pp. 467 ff. The text of the promulgated bull, preserved in the Archives of the Indies, is printed in J. de Solorzano Pereira , De Indiarum Jure ( 1629- 1639), I. 608-610, and in Navarrete, Coleccion de Viages ( 1825- 1837), II. 28-34. The text in J. Ramos- Coelho , Alguns Documentos ( 1892), pp. 66-68, is from a manuscript in the National Archives at Lisbon. One or another of the above- mentioned texts will be found in various bullaria and other printed works.

Translations: English. The earliest English rendering is doubtless that published in 1555 in R. Eden translation of Peter Martyr (Pietro Martire d'Anghiera) , Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India. This version (together with the Latin text) is in J. Fiske, Discovery of America ( 1892), II. 580-593, and in A. B. Hart, American History told by Contemporaries ( 1897- 1901), I. 40-43. Other translations are in the Memorials of Columbus ( 1823), pp. 172-183, a translation of G. B. Spotorno, Codice Diplomatico Colombo-Americano ( 1823) ; B. F. Stevens , Christopher Columbus; his Own Book of Privileges, 1502 ( 1893), pp. 182-197; Dawson, op. cit., pp. 532-534; Thacher, op. cit., II. 141-153; and in Blair and Robertson, Philippine Islands ( 1903- 1909), I. 105-111. Spanish. Boletín del Centro de Estudios Ameri­ canistas de Sevilla,, año III., núm. 7 ( March-April, 1915) ; Navarrete, op. cit., II. 29-35.

References. Same as for Doc. 5.


Alexander episcopus, servus servorum Dei: carissimo in Christo filio Fernando regi, et carissime in Christo filie Elisabeth regine Castelle, Legionis, Aragonum, Sicilie, et Granate, illustribus, salutem et apostolicam benedic­ tionem.

Inter cetera Divine Majestati beneplacita opera et cordis nostri[2] desidera­ bilia, illud profecto potissimum existit, ut fides Catholica et Christiana religio[3] nostris presertim temporibus exaltetur, ac ubilibet amplietur et dilatetur, animarumque salus

  1. The following text is from the original manuscript of the promulgated bull, pre­ served in the Archives of the Indies at Seville, Patronato, 1-1-1, no. 3. Variant readings are given from the text of the Vatican register, reproduced in facsimile in Heywood, Documeta Selecta. Words in this bull, not in the bull Inter caetera of May 3, 1493, are printed in italics.
  2. The Vatican text reads vestri.
  3. The Vatican text reads lex.