Page:European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies.djvu/96

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of some of the South American states, and in various publications of those states dealing with boundary disputes. There are many differences between these abovementioned texts, due in some cases to the modern­ izing of the language, and in some cases, apparently, to the fact that they are translations from Portuguese into Spanish.

Translation: English. Thacher, op. cit., II. 175-186; Argentine Republic, Arbitration upon a Part of the National Territory of Misiones, I. Ar­ gentine Evidence ( 1893), pp. 13-24, and thence in the Report of the American Historical Association for 1895, pp. 524-534. The most im­ portant parts of the treaty are translated in E. H. Blair and J. A. Robertson , Philippine Islands ( 1903- 1909), I. 115-129.

References: Contemporary and early writings. Documents in Navarrete, op. cit., tom. II., nos. 16 (p. 22), 50 (p. 76), 54 (p. 78), 63 (p. 91), 67 (p. 96), 68 (p. 97), 69 (p. 106), 71 (p. 108), 79 (p. 154). Ruy de Pina, Chronica d'El Rei Joaõ II., in J. F. Corrêa da Serra, Collecçaõ de Livros Ineditos de Historia Portugueza (pub. by the Acad. Real das Scien­ cias, Lisbon, 1790, etc.), tom. II., c. 66; Garcia de Resende, Chronica de D. Joam II. ( 1752), cc. 166-168; J. de Barros, Da Asia, I. ( 1778), dec. I., liv. III., c. 11; G. Zurita, Historia del Rey Don Hernando ( 1580), tom. I., lib. I., cc. 25, 29; A. de Herrera, Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos ( 1730), tom. I., dec. I., lib. II., cc. 5, 8, 10; Viscount de Santarem , Quadro Elementar ( 1842- 1876), I. 392-393.

References: Later writings. J. B. Muñoz, Historia del Nuevo-Mundo ( 1793), tom. I., lib. IV., §§ 26-30; H. Schäfer, Geschichte von Portugal ( 1836- 1854), III. 162-163, in Heeren and Ukert, Geschichte der Euro­ päischen Staaten; H. Harrisse, Diplomatic History of America ( 1897), chs. 7 and following; S. E. Dawson, "Line of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI.", etc. ( 1899), pp. 496-526, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 2d ser., 1899- 1900, vol. V., § 2; E. G. Bourne, Essays in Historical Criticism ( 1901), pp. 201-203; H. Vander Linden, "Alexander VI. and the Demarcation of the Maritime and Colonial Domains of Spain and Portugal", Am. Hist. Rev., XXII. 1-20.


Don Fernando e Doña Ysabel, por la graçia de Dios rrey e rreyna de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de Seçilia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valençia, de Galizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeña, de Cordova, de Corçega, de Murçia, de Jahen, del Algarbe, de Algezira, de Gibraltar, de las yslas de Canaria, conde e condesa de Barçelona e señores de Vizcaya e de Molina, duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, condes de Rosellon e de Çerdania, marqueses de Oristan e de Goçeano, en uno con el Prinçipe Don Juan, nuestro muy caro e muy amado hijo primogenito, heredero de los dichos nuestros rreynos e señorios. Por quanto por Don Enrrique Enrriques,[2] nuestro mayordomo

  1. The text is from the original manuscript of the ratification by Ferdinand and Isabella, in the National Archives at Lisbon, gav. 17, maço 2, no. 24.
  2. Son of the Admiral Don Fadrique Enriques. His family history is given by Dr. Lorenzo Galindez de Carvajal (cf. Doc. 13, note 17) in his Adiciones Genealógicas, published in Navarrete Coleccion de Documentos Inéditos para la Historia de España, tom. XVIII., pp. 454 ff.