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I, 23] Secundum Marcum 3

lend on Galileam, Godes rīces godspell bodiegende,

  1. and þus cweðende, Witodlīce tīd is gefylled, and heofena rīce genēalǣcð; dōð dǣdbōte, and gelȳfað þām godspelle.
  2. And þā hē fērde wið þā Gaileiscan sǣ, hē geseah Simonem and Andream his brōðor hyra nett on þā sǣ lǣtende; sōðlice hī wǣron fisceras.
  3. And þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Cumað æfter mē and ic dō inc þæt gyt bēoð sāwla onfōnde.
  4. And hī þā hrædlice him fyligdon, and forlēton heora net.
  5. And ðanon hwōn āgān hē geseah Iacobum †Zebedei, and Iohannes his brōðor, and hī on heora scype heora nett lōgodon.
  6. And hē hī sōna clypode; and hī heora fæder Zebedeo on scipe forlēton mid hȳrlingum,
  7. and fērdon tō Cafarnaum. And sōna restedagum hē lǣrde hī on gesamnunge in gangede.
  8. And hī wundredon be his lāre; sōðlīce hē wæs hī lǣrende swā sē þe anweald hæfð, næs swā bōceras.
  9. And on heora gesamnunge wæs sum man on unclǣnum gāste; and hē hrȳmde,

14. A, godspel, B, and godspell. — 16. A, geseh; A, broðer heora. — 17. a, gedo. — 18. A, nett. — 19. A, þanen; Corp., B, and zebedei, A, om. and; B, net; A, logedon. — 21. A, capharnaum, B, Capernaum; Corp. B, gancgende, A, gangende. — 23. A, gesomnunge.