Page:Evangelium secundum Marcum.djvu/29

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8 Euangelium [II, 15—

Alphei sittende æt his cēpsetle, and hē cwæð tō him, Folga mē. Þā ārās hē, and folgode him.

  1. And hit gewearð, þā hē sæt on his hūse, þæt manega mānfulle sǣton mid þām Hǣldende and his leorningcnihtum; sōðlīce manega þā ðe him fyligdon wǣron
  2. bōceras and Farisei; and cwǣdon, Witodlice hē ytt mid mānfullum and synfullum. And hī cwǣdon tō his leorningcnihtum, Hwī ytt ēower Lārēow and drincð mid mānfullum und synfullum?
  3. Þā sē Hǣlend þis gehȳrde, hē sǣde him, Ne geþurfon nā ðā hālan lǣces, ac ðā þe untrume synt; ne cōm ic nā þæt ic clypode rihtwīse, ac synfulle.
  4. And þā wǣron Iohannes leorningcnihtas and Pharisei fæstende; and þā cōmon hī and sǣdon him, Hwī fæstað Iohannes leorningcnihtas and Phariseorum, and þīne ne fæstað?
  5. Ðā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Cweþe gē sceolon þæs brȳdguman cnihtas fæstan swā lange swā sē brȳdguma mid him is? ne magon hī fæstan swā lange tīde swā hī ðone brȳdguman mid him habbað.
  6. Sōðlīce þā dagas cumað þonne sē brȳd-

16. A, pharisei. — 17. A, læcas; A, synd. — 19. Corp. cw̄., A, cwæð; B, cwæðe ge; A, sculon; A, om. swa lange swa se brydguma . . . fæstan (homœteleuton).