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In ſhort, whilſt I purſued this Thought I could not but reflect on that little inſignificant Figure which I myſelf bore amidſt the Immenſity of God's Works.

Were the Sun, which enlightens this Part of the Creation, with all the Hoſt of Planetary Worlds that move about him, utterly extinguiſhed and annihilated, they would not be miſſed more than a Grain of Sand upon the Sea-ſhore. The ſpace they poſſeſs is ſo exceedingly little in Companion of the whole, that it would ſcarce make a Blank in the Creation. The Chaſm would be imperceptible to an Eye that could take in the whole Compaſs of Nature, and paſs from one End of the Creation to the other; as it is poſſible there may be ſuch a ſenſe in ourſelves hereafter, or in Creatures which are at preſent more exalted then ourſelves. We ſee many ſtars by the Help of Glaſſes, which we do not diſcover with our naked Eyes; and the finer our Teleſcopes are, the more ſtill are our diſcoveries. Huygenius carries this Thought ſo far, that he does not think it impoſſible there may be ſtars whoſe Light is not yet travelled down to us, ſince their firſt Creation. There is no Queſtion but the Univerſe has certain Bounds ſet to it; but when we conſider that it is the Work of infinite Power, prompted by infinite Goodneſs, with an infinite ſpace to exert itſelf in,