Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/156

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1.J6 WOMAN IN HER GARDEN This section will give information on gardening topics which will be of value to all women — ■ the woman who lives in town, the woman who lives in the country, irrespective of whether she has a large or small purse at her disposal. The range of subjects will be very wide and will include : Practical Articles on H or Li- culture Flower Growing for Profit Violet Farms French Gardens The Vegetable Garden Nature Gardens Water Gardens The Window Garden Famous Gardens of England Conservatories Frames Bell Glasses Greenhouses Vineries, etc., etc. WHAT TO DO WITH A ' ^MALL GA: By THE HON, FRANCES WOLSELEY Principal of Qlynde School for Lady Gardeners in Sussex Illustrations by Miss M. G. Campion WHEN the logs upon the great parlour fire burn brightly some autumn evening, and work in the garden is at an end, because twilight comes early, who has not dreamed of the gardens that are to be ? Shadow gardens, maybe, where the strong sun hardly penetrates through densely woven trellis of honeysuckle, sweet-briar, or vines, where only quiet, pale-coloured flowers, white lilies, turquoise-blue anchusa, deep blue and light'delphiniums are seen through small open- ings in the shadow house. Gardens such as these are for thought and contemplation. Who has not wafted To breathe the air, how delicious I I think heroic deeds were all conceived in the open air, and all free poems also, I think I could stop here and do miracles. Now I see tlie secret of the making of the best persons — It is to grow in the open air, and sleep with the earth. The efflux of the soul ts happiness; there is happiness. I think it pervades the open air, waiting at all times ; Now it flows into us ; we are rightly charged. What more peaceful retreat can be offered than a paved also had recollections of sweet - s m e 11 i n g stocks, white nico- tiana, and longed to make a night garden of these and soft yellow evening prim- roses ? It is the fashion at present to own a week-end cot- tage, where friends from town, dwellers who take refuge from noise and dust, regain nerve power and happy content- ment. How can we help them find surroundings con- X I T, ■ . , 1 A simple suggestion for • paved court, shaded from the sun and protected Whitman S song ? oartially from wind and rain. court adjoining one of the prin- cipal rooms of the house, shaded from powerful sun, protected partially from wind and rain ? A paved floor is suggested be- cause in our un- certain climate it is the only one upon which it is possible to place chairs after rain. A small portion of the court may be roofed in for shelter from a violent storm, but the larger portion has only a square - mesh trellis, over which