Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/16

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Kitchen and Cookery — Continued

Cheese straws, 538
Welsh Rarebit, 777
Soup — Recipes, etc.
Art of making soup, 95
Beef bouillon, 654
Beef cup, 768
Bonne femme, 98
Classes of soup, 96-7
Clear soup à la Royale, 97, 535
Clear soup à la Savoy, 250
Cock a leekie, 250
Consommé aux œufs filés, 97
Cream of rice, 250
Dried vegetable soup — Lentil and Haricot bean, 400
Fish Soups — Lobster bisque and oyster bisque, 777
Garnishes, 97, 535
Giblet soup, 400
Hollandaise, 400
Julienne, 97
Kidney, 399
Mulligatawny, 399
Normandy, 400
Ox-tail, thick, 250
Potato, 98
Scotch Broth, 98, 399
Sheep's head Broth, 399
Sorrel or spinach cream, 776
Spinach purée, 97
Stock and pot liquor, 95
Special stock — Recipes, 96
Tomato, 98, 776
Storeroom, 393
Time-table for cooking foods, Supplement (No. 1)
Vegetables-Recipes, etc.,
Chicory, 777
Cucumber braised, 777
General hints, 771
Potatoes, 772, 778
Seakaie à la creme, 537
Vegetarian Cookery-substitutes for Meat, Recipes, etc., 256, 257, 776
Christmas-Meatless Christmas dinner, 407
General hints, 775
Menu, 776
Kitchen Garden, 141, 444, 683, 803
Knitting, 240, 647
Knollys, Hon. Charlotte, 258
Lace Scarves, 528
Lacrosse for Girls, 571, 690, [745
Lady of Quality, 64, 216, 368, 513, 626,
Beautiful women in the social world
Clonmell, Countess of, 633
Pless, H.S.H. Princess Henry of and Child, 632
Pole-Carew, Lady Beatrice, 631
Heraldry, 69, 221, 517
Balls and Dances, 371, 516, 748
Dinner parties, 67, 219
Luncheon parties, formal and Informal, 629
Letters, Addressing letters to persons of rank or distinction, 68, 223, 518
Visiting-card, Etiquette, 373, 630
Women in great social positions, 64, 216, 368, 513, 628, 745
Lagerlof, Miss Selina, 662
Land, Property in-Law, 784
Langtry, Mrs. (Lady de Bathe), 544
Larder, 242
Laundry — Home Laundry, 17, 168, 320, 583
Law, 111, 264, 415, 548, 664, 784
Child law, 115, 267, 417, 666
Abandonment and exposure, 267
Abduction. 267
Baby-farming, 666
Begging, Street Trading, etc., 417
Concealment, 115
Notification and Registration
Alteration of name, 115
Illegitimate Children, 115
Deserted children, 417
Fireguards, 668
Illegitimate Children
Birth, Registration of, 115
Custody, 267
Improperly kept Infants, 666
Neglect. 267
Parental control over Daughters,
Religion, 666 [417
Search and removal, 666
Separated Parents, 417
Step Parents, 666
Stage, Children on, 417
Vaccination — Certificate, conscientious objectors, etc., 115
Land, Property in, 784
Definition and words of description, 785
Emblements, 785
Money, when money is land, 785
Ownership, 784
Realty and personalty, 784
Marriage, 111, 284, 416, 548, 664
Abroad, 415
Age of consent, 111
Bans, 112
Foreign and Colonial Banns, 112
Bigamy, 548
Breach of promise, 549, 664
British Colonies, 416
Brokerage Contract, 549
Channel Islands, 416
Coercion, Wife acting under, 549
Consular Marriages, 415
Fiction, Marriage of — Marriage could not be contracted in error, 549
Foreigners, Marriage with, 265
Future Separation, 549
Hours during which Marriages can take place, 284
Impotence, 548
India, 416
Native Christians, 416
Transmission of Certificates to England, 416
Irish Marriages, 265
Isle of Man, 416
Libel, Prosecution of Husband by Wife for, 549
Licences, 112, 264
Special Licences, 284
Lunatics and Idiots, 548
Misstatements, 111
Mixed Marriages, 264
Prohibited Degrees, 264
Restraint of-Marriage, 549
Roman Catholic Church requirements, 265
Roman Catholics, Quakers, Jews, etc., 112
Scotch Marriages, 265
Seven Years' absence, Marriage after, 548
Ships, Marriage on, 415
Soldier, Marriage with, 416
Uncivilised Countries, 415
Valuable consideration, 549 [416
Ward in Chancery, Marriage with,
Witnesses, 264[786
Money Matters, 114, 268, 419, 550,
Married Women's Property, 268, 550,786
Ante-nuptial Debts, Liability for, 550
Bankruptcy, 419
Committal Order, 550
Dower, 786
Equity to a settlement, 419
Freebench, 786
Gavelkind, 786
Heirlooms, 550
Husband's Bankruptcy, 419
Insurance, 550
Jointure, 786
Maintenance, Liabilities for 550
Married Women's Property Act, 419
Paraphernalia, 550
Pin Money, 550
Remedies for protection of Property, 550
Second Marriage, position on, 419
Settlements, 550
Mistake, Money paid under, 114
Appropriating Money paid in mistake, 114
Extortion and over-charge, 114
Intimidation, 114
Officers of the Court, Money received by in mistake, 114
"Ringing the changes," 114
Servants, 113, 266, 418, 665
Advances of Money, 418
Agricultural Labourers, 113
Bankruptcy of Master, 665
Breakagea, deduction for, 418
Chastisement, 418
Classes, 113
Contract of service, length of Notice, etc., 266
Right of making Contract, position of Servant having two or more Masters, 113
Corporations, Appointment of Servants, 113
Death of Master or Servant, 665
Defending Servant from Assault, 665
Disabilities, persons under, 113
Dismissal, unjust dismissal, 665
Dismissal without notice, circumstances justifying, 266
Disorderly conduct, 665
Enticing away, 418
Extra work, 418
Illness as ground for discharge, 481
Malicious action by Servants, 665
Married Women as Servants, 113
Medical Attendance, 418
Misdeeds of Servants, 665
Opening and Searching boxes, 665
Partner or Servant, 113, 665
Rights and Liabilities of Masters,
Rights and Remedies for breach of contract or wanton damage, 418
Servant ref using to leave, 665
Tenants, Servants as, 113
Uniform, 418
Wages during incapacity, etc., 418
Le Blond, Mrs. Aubrey, 259
Leather Work, 297
Lennox, Lady Sarah, 471,[793
Lespinasse, Julie de — Love Letters, 671
Letters, Correct Modes of Addressing Letters, 66, 223, 518
Lighting, see Home.H
Lincoln, Abraham — Love Story, 787
Lindsay, Lady, 436
Famous Books by Women
"Cranford," 284
"Jane Eyre," 132
Poets, Women Poets
Galway, Viscountess, 679
Lindsay, Lady, 436
Little Sisters of the Assumption, 280
Lonely Woman, Work for, 39
Louise, Princess 628
Love, 117, 269, 420, 551, 667, 787
Betrothal Rings, 791
Letters, Love Letters of Famous People, 121, 273, 426, 555, 671, 793
Pictures, Love Scenes in
"Doubtful Moments," 558
"King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid," 556
"Love Locked Out," 116
"Passing Cloud," 420
"Silent Persuasion," 557
Songs-"Robin Adair," 424
True Love Stories of famous people, 117, 269, 421, 551, 667, 787
Lowther, Mr. J. — Speaker, 747
Luncheon Parties — Etiquette, 629
McLaren, Lady, 410
Maintenon, Mme. de — Love Story, 551
Malaria, 58
Manicure, 173
Manners, Lady Marjorie — Needlework designs, 84
Marlborough, Duchess of, 662
Marmoset as a Pet, 149
Marriage, 44, 196; 356, 497, 616
Age, increase In, 1896-1908, 202,[45
Announcing engagement — Etiquette,
Famous Men, wives of — Roberts, Lady, 615
Foreign Customs, 499
Packing, 204
Winter Honeymoons, where to spend, 50, 614
Husband in the home — How to make marriage a success, 497, 610
Husband, Wife, and Child, 734
Law, 111, 264, 416, 548, 664
Loyalty, 730