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Everyday Luncheons

four eggs. Butter a pudding-dish and put into it a large cupful of canned fruit. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, stir into the custard, pour over the fruit and bake half an hour.


Soak half a package of gelatine in a little cold water, dissolve over steam, and add to one cupful of fruit pulp which has been mashed through a sieve and heavily sweetened. Stir until cool. When the fruit mixture begins to thicken stir in lightly the whites of six eggs which have been beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a chilled mould and cool. Grated pineapple, banana, and peach sponges are very satisfactory.


Whip the whites of six eggs to a stiff froth. Soak half a package of gelatine in a little cold water, and dissolve over steam. Add to the gelatine the grated rind and juice of half a lemon and enough sugar to make very sweet. Stir until cool, but not stiff, then fold lightly into the egg mixture and when it begins to congeal, pour into a wet mould and chill. Orange, cherry, raspberry, and currant sponges are made in the same way, mixing the fruit juice with the gelatine. These puddings may be served