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Beverages, various varieties, 202-207

Biscuit, baking-powder, 145; Southern, 145; quick, 146; buttermilk, 146; egg, 146; sour-milk, 147; New York, 147; Graham, 153

Blackberry shrub, 205

Blenheim pudding, 230

Bluefish, 36

Bordeaux pudding, 212

Bread and cocoanut pudding, 228

Bread pudding, 211

Brown betty, 209

Buttermilk, 202

Cabbage, stuffed, 106; creamed, 107; escalloped, 107; fried, 107

Cake, plain, 239

Carrots, buttered, 109; with peas, 109

Cheese, scramble, 130; omelet, 141

Chicken, various methods of preparation, 74-78