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Soup (Continued):

Potato, cream of, 22; with turnip, 32

Puree, of lima beans, 13; of peas with tomatoes, 27

Rice, 10; with tomato, 11; cream of, 20

Russian, 28

Sago, 10

Salmon, cream of, 24

Salsify, cream of, 23

Scotch, 16

Shrimps, cream of, 23

Spaghetti, 10

Spinach, 19; cream of, 21

Squash, cream of, 20

Strawberry, 33

String beans, cream of, 24

Swedish, 33

Tapioca, 13

Tomato, clear, 10; with rice, 11; No. II., 14; No. III., IV., V., 15; No. VI., VII., 18; No. VIII., 28; No. IX., 29

Turkey, 30

Turnip, 12; with potatoes, 32

Vegetable, 26

Vermicelli, 11

Spanish cream, 222

Spinach, with poached egg, 124

Sponge cake, with cream, 231

Squash, stuffed Summer, 124; fried, 124

Stock, from beef extract, how to prepare, 8

Strawberry cream cake, 234; shortcake, 235

String beans, 114; croustades, 114; creamed, 114; à la pompadour, 115

Succotash, 116; creamed, 116

Surprise pudding, 222

Sweetbreads, fried, 72; broiled, 72; creamed, 72

Sweet rice croquettes, 225