Page:Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature.djvu/159

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and there is an unusually deep vascular groove immediately behind the coronal suture, which, as it terminates in a foramen, no doubt transmitted a vena emissaria. The course of the frontal suture is indicated externally by a slight ridge; and where it joins the coronal, this ridge rises into a small protuberance. The course of the sagittal suture is grooved, and above the angle of the occipital bone the parietals are depressed.

The length of the skull from the nasal process of the frontal over the vertex to the superior semicircular lines of the occipital measures 303(300) = 12·0".
Circumference over the orbital ridges and the superior semicircular lines of the occipital. 590(590) = 23·37" or 23".
Width of the frontal from the middle of the temporal line on one side to the same point on the opposite 104(114) = 4·1"—4·5"
Length of the frontal from the nasal process to the coronal suture 133(125) = 5·25"—5".
Extreme width of the frontal sinuses 25 (23) = 1·0"—0·9"
Vertical height above a line joining the deepest notches in the squamous border of the parietals 70 = 2·75."
Width of hinder part of skull from one parietal protuberance to the other 138(150) = 5·4"—5·9"
  1. The numbers in brackets are those which I should assign to the different measures, as taken from the plaster cast.—G. B.