Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/25

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NEW CHURCH TRACTS. manna. no. men. 1. The Lord our Hel . By Rev. C. Giles ...... 18 2. The Garden of en. By Rev C. Giles. ................................ . ..... . 24 3. The Beginning of Miracles. By Rev. J. K. Smyth ..... . .................. 15 4. How to Know God. By Rev. C. Giles 20 7. The Stafl‘ and the Serpent. By Rev. T. A. King ......................... . 24 THE REALITIES OF HEAVEN. BY REV. 'r. F. WRIGHT. 5. I. Is there a S iritual World? 6. II. The Inhab tants of the Other World . 8. III. The Change of Worlds ...... 9. IV. Jud em in the Spiritual World ......... . .............................. .. 10. V. The elation between the Two Worlds ........................... . ...... 11. VI. The Bible as it is in Heaven - 12. VII. The Aspect of Heaven 13. VIII. The Religion and Worship of Heaven ............................... The Realities of Heaven, in book form. Paper, 15 cents. Cloth. 40 cents. 14. Emanuel Swedenborg. By Rev. C. an“ 3?. 15. What is Prayer? By Rev. C. Giles 24 The “Helper” contains a sermon or other discourse each week for thirty-eight weeh of each year, from October to June, inclusive. Sub- scription price, 50 cents. To ministers and theological students, 25 cents. Twenty-five or more copies to same address, 35 cents each. A liberal discount to agents. GERMAN TRAOTS. so. none. 1. Wer war Jesus Christus? Von Rev. C. Giles ....... . ........................ 2. Was mussen wir thun, um selig zu werden? Von Rev. C. Giles. 18 3. Das Neue Jerusalem ......... 3 ' 4. Der Tod. seine Natur, Ursachc und Nothwendlgkeit ......... . ..... 16 5. Die Auferstehun ................... 16 6. Leiden und Tod esu Chrififi . 13 (SECOND GERMAN ssmrs.) no. nos. 1. Was ist Swedenborgianismus‘.’ Von Rev. J. C. Ager ...... . ........... .. 32 2. Im Ebenbiid Gottes. Von Rev. Adolph Roeder ........................... 16 3. Die Geistige Welt. Von Rev. C. Gil"fl 4. Wachsthum des Neuen Jerusalems wiihrend seines ersten Jahr- hunderts in Amerika. Von Rev. C. les .............................. . 24 5. Das Buch des Lebens. Von Rev. C. Giles 17 6. Die wahre Idee von Gott. Von Rev. C. Giles ............................. 25 7. Die Welt der Geister. Von Rev. C. Giles 24 8. Die wahre Idee von Mann. Von Rev. C. Giles 26 9. Die Dreieinigkeit. Von Rev. C. Giles 20 10. Das Blut Jesu Christi 16 Tracts are also printed in Swedish, Norwegian, and Spanish. Address WM. H. ALDEN, A'gent, New Church Book-Room, cor. oi Chestnut and Twenty-Second Stu, PHILADELPHIA, PA.