Page:Evolution of Life (Henry Cadwalader Chapman, 1873).djvu/253

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  1. Acephala, 46.
  2. Achlamydeous flower, 102.
  3. Achlya, 85.
  4. Achorion, 84.
  5. Acinetæ, 31.
  6. Acrogens, 91.
  7. age of, 115.
  8. Actinozoa, 26.
  9. tree of, 25.
  10. Africa, rainy season in, 57.
  11. Agaricus, 85.
  12. Age, golden, 177.
  13. of bronze, 178.
  14. of stone, 177.
  15. Algæ, 78.
  16. age of, 114.
  17. description of, 79.
  18. Allantois, 61, 131.
  19. Alrothallus, 87.
  20. Alternate generation, 29.
  21. Amblystoma mavortium, 154.
  22. Amia, 57, 115.
  23. Ammonites, 49.
  24. Amnion, 61, 131.
  25. Amœba, 21.
  26. Amphibia, 59.
  27. Amphioxus, 39.
  28. relation to Ascidia, 53.
  29. structure of, 55.
  30. Anchitherium, 9, 139.
  31. Anemodonts, 62.
  32. Anemone, 26.
  33. description of, 27.
  34. Angiospermce, 98.
  35. Anguidæ, 62.
  36. Animal kingdom, table of, 50.
  37. Animals, growth of, 11.
  38. Cenozoic, 109.
  39. Mesozoic, 109.
  40. Palæozoic, 109.
  41. Annelida, 36.
  42. Anoplothcrium, 73, 122, 140.
  43. descent of, 9.
  44. Ant-eater, 76, 137.
  45. Antheridia, 89, 90, 93.
  46. Anthers, 97.
  47. Anthracotherium, 9.
  48. Anthroceros, 89.
  49. Anthropology, 162.
  50. Ants, economy of, 165.
  51. Ape, 70.
  52. the ancestor of Man, 175.
  53. Apetalæ, 102.
  54. Apteryx, 66, 142.
  55. Arachnida, 44.
  56. Arcella, 21.
  57. Archegonia, 89, go, 93.
  58. Archegosaurus, 59.
  59. skull of, 60.
  60. Archeopteryx, 64, 119.
  61. Armadillo, 142.
  62. Articulata, 44.
  63. structure of, 46.
  64. Artiodactyla, structure of, 72.
  65. Artisca, position of the, 38.
  66. Ascidian, development of, 53.
  67. structure of, 39.
  68. Ascomycetes, 87.
  69. Ascus, 84.
  70. Aspidogaster, 36.
  71. Asterophyllites, 116.
  72. Aurelia, 29.
  73. Australia, fauna of, 72.
  74. Aye-aye, peculiarities of, 20.
  75. Azolla, 96.
  76. Bat, 70.
  77. Batrachia, development of, 130.
  78. fossil, 116.
  79. two types of, 59.
  80. Beaver, 70.
  81. Beetles, natural selection among, 150
  82. Belodon, 62.
  83. Beroe, 29.
  84. Birds, agreement with reptiles, 6.
  85. classification of, 63.
