- Teliosts, 57.
- Terebratula, 48.
- Tertiary Age, 110, 121.
- Thallophytes, 88.
- Thecodonts, 62.
- Thrush, 84.
- Thylacinus, 72.
- Trematoda, 35.
- Trenton Falls, 112.
- Triassic period, 117.
- Trichina, history of, 34.
- Trilobites, 109, 113.
- Triton, 61.
- Truffles, 83.
- Tunicata, 39.
- Turbellaria, 35.
- Turtles, fossil, 119.
- Ulvaceæ, 80.
- Umbilical vesicle, 130.
- Ungulata, 73.
- affinities of, 74.
- Urinary system, development of, 129.
- Variations, causes of, 148.
- entailing others, 148.
- production of, 146, 147.
- Vascular system, development of, 129.
- Vaucheria, 85.
- Vegetal kingdom, 78.
- Vegetal kingdom, tree of, 105.
- Vertebrata, characters of the, 52.
- division of, 61.
- embryos of similar, 54.
- Visceral arches, 138.
- Vestiges of Creation, 16.
- Vital Force, laws of, 12.
- Vitelline membrane, 126.
- Vitellus, 126.
- Vortex, 35.
- Vorticellæ, 31.
- Wallace, independent enunciation of doctrine, 17.
- on geographical distribution, 142.
- Whale, 70.
- Wings of insects and birds, 52.
- Wolff, 14.
- Wombat, 70.
- Worms, 32.
- articulated, 36, 37.
- tree of, 33.
- Wright, Seth, 149.
- Xiphodon, 74.
- Zamia, 98.
- Zeuglodon, 75.
- Zoophyte, meaning of, 20.