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O were I able to rehearse,
My ewie's praise in proper verse,
I'd sound it baith as loud and fierce,
As ever piper's drone could blaw.

The ewie wi' the crooked horn,
Weel deserves baith girse and corn,
Sic a ewie ne'er was born,
Hereabout nor far awa.

I neither needed tar nor keel,
To mark her upon hip or heel,
Her crooked horn did as weel
To ken her by amang them a'.

She never threaten'd scab nor rot,
But keepit ay her ain jog trot,
Baith to the fauld and to the cot,
Was never sweer to lead or ca'.

Cauld nor hunger never dang her,
Wind nor rain could never wrang her,
Ance she lay a ouk and langer,
Furth aneath a wreath of snaw.

When ither ewies lap the dyke,
And ate the kail, for a' the tyke,
My ewie never did the like,
But toss'd about the barn wa'.