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Her song struck my ears with surprise,
Her voice like the nightingale sweet,
But love took his seat in her eyes,
There beauty and innocence meet:
From that moment my heart was her own,
For her every wish I’d forego,
She’s, beauteous as roses just blown,
And she lives in the valley below.

My cottage with Woodbine o’er grown,
The sweet turtle dove cooing round,
My flocks and my herds are my own,
My pastures with hawthorn are bound.
All my riches I’ll lay at her feet,
If her heart in return she‘ll bestow,
For no pastime can cheer my retreat,
While she lives in the valley below.


Of late you have heard of two lovers,
That lived near yon castle so high;
To the greenwoods they oftimes resorted,
While the owl from the forest did cry.
When he gazed on the blooming young creature,
Her beauteous enchanting eyes,
Evinced her heart it was captured
By one that soon did her despise.

They ranged the woods with great pleasure;
Their weary limbs oft did repose;
A large spreading oak was their covert,
'Twas there they their minds did disclose.