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Ministers ſhould lay before their people the evidences of the truth of Chriſtianity in a way ſuited unto their capacities, that ſo they may be able to give a reaſon of the hope that is in them, and be fortified againſt the attacks of Deiſts and Infidels, who abound every where in this degenerate age. However, they ought not to inſiſt always upon theſe, but to open up the particular doctrines of Chriſtianity, ſuch as concern the perſon, natures, offices, and grace of the Lord Jeſus. They ſhould endeavour to convince ſinners of their loſt ſtate by nature, their abſolute inability to recover themſelves, and the indiſpenſible neceſſity of coming to Jeſus Chriſt as the one and only Mediator betwixt God and man. And, in order to obtain this good end, the law muſt be preached, its threatenings and curſes muſt be ſounded loud in the ears of ſinners;—they muſt be alarmed with the thunder and fire from mount Sinai "for the law is our ſchool maſter to bring us in to Chriſt†.[1]" They ſhould open up that grand tranſaction betwixt God the Father and God the Son, in behalf of mankind ſinners, called the covenant of grace, with all the bleſſings and benefits contained therein, as effectual calling, juſtification, adoption, regeneration, ſanctification, the inhabitation of the Spirit, perſeverance in grace, and the heavenly kingdom.

Farther, miniſters of the goſpel ſhould declare the ordinances and inſtitutions of Chriſt. Our Lord's laſt words, when he was leaving the world, were, "Teaching them to obſerve all things whatſoever I have com-

  1. † How well this important point was underſtood by our Divines of the reformation, appears from the famous Mr Tindal, commonly called the Apoſtle of England, in his letter to John Frith, written January 1533 'Expound the law truly, and open the vail of Moſes, to condemn all ſuch, and prove all men ſinners, and all deeds under the law, before mercy hath taken away the condemnation thereof, to be ſin and damnable; and then, as a faithful miniſter, ſet a broach the mercy of our Lord Jeſus, and let the wounded conſciences drink of the water of him. And then ſhall your preaching be with power, and not as the hypocrites. And the Spirit of God ſhall work with you, and all conſciences ſhall bear record unto you, and feel that it is ſo. And all doctrine that caſteth a miſt on theſe two, to ſhadow and hide them, I mean the law of God and mercy of Chriſt, that reſiſt you with all your power