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Executive Order

Selection of Members of the Central Statistical Board

By vrtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act of July 25, 1935, 49 Star. 498, I hereby order as follows:

  1. The thirteen members, other than the Chairman, of the Central Statistcal Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") established by the said act shah be selected as follows:

(a) Six members of the Board shall be designated members. One designated member shall be named by each of the following officers from among the officials or employees subject to his directio a such officer:

The Secretary of the Treasury
The Secretary of the Interior
The Secretary of Agriculture
The Secretary of Commerce
The Secretary of Labor
The Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

(b) Seven members of the Board shall be elected by the Chairman and the six designated members within two months after the date of the organization of the Board, which, for the purposes of this order, shall be the date that the Central Statistical Committee established by the said act shall declare that seven members have qualified for membership in the Board: Provided, however, that not less than four of such elected members shall be persons already in the service of the United States: And provided further, that at least one of such elected members shall be a person who is not, during his tenure of membership, a permanent paid employee of the federal Government.

2. The term of membership of a designated member shall be at the pleasure of the otlicer authorized to designate such meember, but such term shall not exceed two years without redesignation. The term of membership of an elected member shall be two years from the date of his election unless sooner terminated by the President in his discretion: Provided, that nenbers elected in the calendar year 1936 shall be elected for one year only. If any member shall sever his connection with the department or agency of the Federal Government to which he is attached at the time of his designation or election, his membership shall become vacant upon