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Faraday's Researches

177; polar, 12, 15, 53; resistance of electrolyte to, 218; retarding effect of interposed plates, 218-225; secondary results of, 144; theories of, 55, 60, 68; transference of elements in, 69, 72, 76; water, influence of, 54; without metallic contact, 173, 175, 177
De la Rive, theory of electro-chemical decomposition, 59, 67
Dilution, effect on voltaic excitement, 284, 290
Dobereiner on combination effected by platina, 95
Dulong and Thenard on combination effected by platina and solids, 95

Electricities, identity of, 1, 7, 26
Electricity, absolute quantity in different bodies, 163; animal, 24; common, 7; conduction of, 46; definite chemical action of, 30, 65, 152, 381, 382; magnetic action of, 29; magneto-, 22; phenomena exhibited by, 2, 3; thermo-, 24; of voltaic pile, 3; 170, 183, 194. See also Voltaic pile
Electro-chemical equivalents, 157-162, 200; forces of matter, 200
Electrodes, character of bodies evolved at, 133; definition of, 112
Electrolysis, 113, 133. See Decomposition, electro-chemical
Electrolytes, 113, 157; action of, 187, 238; chemically inactive, 241; nature of, 185; polarised light in relation to, 197; proportion of, in relation to decomposition, 117, 121; resistance to decomposition, 218; thermo-currents in, 274
Ether, combining power of platina prevented by, 107

Faraday's correspondence on peculiar voltaic condition of iron, 321, 330
Fluorides fused, electrolysis of, 142
Fusinieri on combination effected by platina, 96

Galvanometer, the, 8, 29
Gaseous bodies, combination of, 84
Gases, elasticity of, 98, 109
Glass, attraction for air, 99; decomposition of, 115 Grotthuss, theory of electro-chemical decomposition, 56

Hachette, theory of electro-chemical decomposition, 60, 67
Heat, conducting power increased by, 44, 46; effect on voltaic excitement, 270, 271, 274, 281; evolved by animal electricity, 24; by common electricity, 7; by magneto-electricity, 22; by thermoelectricity, 24; by voltaic electricity, 3, 5
Hydriodic acid, electrolysis of, 141
Hydrogen and oxygen, action of platina on, 86, 94, 102; and spongy platina, 108

Ice a non-conductor of electricity, 32, 41
Identity of electricities, 1, 7, 26
Iodide of potassium, .conduction by, 41; electrolysis of, 207; test of chemical action, 14
Iodides, fused, electrolysis of, 151; in solution, electrolysis of, 141
Ions, 157, 161, 162; mutual relations in circuit, 200; table of, 161
Iron, Faraday on voltaic condition of, 321, 330; Schönbein on voltaic condition of, 317

Lead, voltaic effects in sulphuret of potassium, 262
Liquefaction, conduction consequent upon, 32, 35, 39, 46

Magnetic effects of animal electricity, 25; of common electricity, 7; of magneto-electricity, 23; of thermo-electricity, 24; of voltaic electricity, 5, 7
Magneto-electricity, 22
Marianini on source of power in voltaic pile, 233, 234, 261
Matter, quantity of electricity in, 163
Measure for volta-electricity, 122
Metal, poles of, 82
Metallic contact. See Contact theory
Metals, order as electromotors, 295; power of inducing combination, 300
Muriatic acid, electrolysis of, 139; order of metals as electromotors in, 298

Nitric acid, 118, 240; electrolysis of, 137
Nitrogen determined to either pole, 81, 135, 137
Nitrous acid in voltaic circles, 239, 248