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of Electricity

burnt quite black, and though it were grown ſtrangely brittle in compariſon of Amber, ſo that they who believe the vertue of attracting light Bodies to flow from the ſubſtantial form of Amber, would not expect it in a Body ſo changed and deprived of its nobleſt parts: Yet this Caput mortuum was ſo far from having loſt its Electrical Faculty, that it ſeemed to attract more vigorouſly than Amber it ſelf is wont to do before it be committed to Diſtillation.

And from the foregoing Instances afforded us by the Glaſs of Antimony, we may learn, that when the form of a Body ſeems to be deſtroyed by a fiery Analyſis that diſſipate's the parts of it, the remaining ſubſtance may yet be endowed with Electricity, as the Caput mortuum of Amber may acquire it; as in the caſe of the Glaſs of Antimony made of the Calx and of the Flowers. And from the ſecond Example above-mentioned, and from common Glaſs which is Electrical, we may alſo
