Page:Explication of Thomas Rymer's prophecies (2).pdf/8

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few obſervations we make on things already come to paſs; and what is yet to come there will ſome remarks yet happen when the time draws nigh, ſuch as, when taabet's craigs is tumbled into the ſea

When Forth and Clyde ſhall join their ſtreams,
And ſhips between theſe rivers ſweems,
Great kings and queens will ſtand agaſt,
Each trembling at the cruel blaſt.

the next ſeaſon, or ſummer thereafter, great ſorrow and bloodſhed ſhall happen to this realm, the chief thereof ſuch as, drawing on ſleds, and chopping off heads, there is alſo mention made of a lord with a lucken band who will breed great confuſion in Britain, ſeveral of theſe things are already come to paſs, the reſt it is thought will ſoon follow..