Page:Explication on Thomas Rymer's prophecies.pdf/5

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The king himſelf revenger ſhall
the guilty troops down wrack,


The Engliſh nation ſhall invade,
but not eſcape a plague,
With ſword, with thirſt, with tears, and peſt,
with fears, and ſuch like ague.


And after enemies thrown down,
and maſtered by war:
Then Scotland, in peace, quietly
paſs joyful days for ever.


When HEMPE is come, and alſo gone,
Scotland and England ſhall be one.

K. K. Q. K. Q.
Henry, Edward, Mary, Philip, Elizabeth
VIII. VI. of Spain Q
Mary's Huſband


Praiſed be God alone, for Hempe is come and gone,
And left us, old Albion, by peace, joined in one.



The explication of the above prophecies, concerning Hempe-being come, and alſo gone, and leaving Scotland and England joined in one, is fulfilled in the late King William, who came out of Holland, which in old