Page:Explication on Thomas Rymer's prophecies.pdf/8

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This man is alive in this preſent age, and of the Stewart's race now in Italy: and, there is plainly pointed out that in his time a great battle ſhould be in Fife,

Where ſadled horſes ſhould be ſeen,
Tyed to the trees green.

Not only in Fife, but the four chief rivers in the realm, there ſhould be a battle on each of them, ſhould make the rivers run with blood, to wit, Tweed, Clyde, Forth, and Tay.

And laſt of all, a bloody deſperate battle in Northumberland, on the river Tyne; alſo, a great havoc and ſlaughter about the broad walls of Berwick.

All theſe things is yet to come to paſs, and when the firſt appears, the reſt will ſoon follow after.