Page:Extracts from the letters and journals of George Fletcher Moore.djvu/40

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was a certain indication of an approaching gale;" this remark made by so experienced a seaman was calculated to excite apprehension in a landsman.

25th.—This day has been delicious—one of heavy incessant rain, welcomed by the crew, passengers, and every living animal on board; it is the first heavy rain of any consequence we have had since we sailed, and as our allowance of water has been very limited, we all eagerly prepared for a general ablution of clothes. Letty's obliging temper has been taken full advantage of, every one applying to her in difficulties, and she does everything in her power to accommodate. We have saved much of the rain, and I have bottled a large supply for my own use.

28th.—During the few preceding days, the air has been cool wind variable, and sometimes foul. A dolphin went off with a line and hook in his stomach this day. I fear that he will suffer from dyspepsia.

We had been complaining of the monotony of our time, "one day telling another and one night certifying another," when a vessel was descried; conjecture became immediately busy, and her movements and appearance were watched with intense interest.

29th.—At length we communicated by signals with the strange sail, which proved to be not a pirate, as we had dreaded, but the brig Harriet, bound for Buenos Ayres.