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until January, 1950. Perl has admitted that he occupied this apartment in 1946 and 1947 while attending Columbia University. We have determined from the Superintendent of this apartment building that the apartment did contain photographic equipment.

  who has resigned from his position with the (illegible text) and who is presently employed at Columbia University as an instructor, has been interviewed both by Bureau Agents and before the Federal Grand Jury in New York City. While he admits knowing Elitcher, Joel Barr and Alfred Sarant, all contacts of Rosenberg, he denied knowing Rosenberg since school days and denied knowing Michael Sidorovich, another member of the espionage ring. In an interview on July 27, 1950, he admitted that on July 23, 1950 Vivian Glassman, a former paramour of Joel Barr, another member of the espionage apparatus, had contacted him. He stated she gave him instructions to leave the country by way of Mexico, mentioned Rosenberg, and offered him some money to use for his flight. He claimed that he did not know the purpose of this contact and he refused the money. Vivian Glassman, in an interview, admitted knowing Rosenberg and admitted going out to Cleveland and contacting Perl, offering him Money to go to Mexico. She claimed some person not known to her had contacted her and requested her to make the trip.

In connection with   dental before the Federal Grand Jury on   that he knew  , we now have developed three witnesses in Cleveland who are in a position to testify that they saw Stdorovich and Perl together when Perl and Sidorovich were trying to purchase a car. It (illegible text) also appear that   may have committed perjury in denying his association with both   and   as well as  . The facts as developed have been presented to the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice and to the United States Attorney in the Southern District of Yew York. They have stated that while a perjury violation con apparently be established, they desire to hold off on the matter until after the Rosenberg trial has taken place. This matter to being closely followed with (illegible text) Department.

Michael and Anne Sidorovich

Information from   reflects that in (illegible text) of 1944 Michael Sidorovich was being sent to Cleveland to establish
