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Astrid Lunding.
17. The Giant's Heart (Troldens hjærte og svenden i dyrenes hamme); GÆ II 12, comp. Gr 197.

18 A. The Health-Fruit (Sundhedsfrugterne); GÆ III p. 144, Gr 165.

18 B. The Hare-Herd (Harehyrden); JF V 10. Gains the princess by keeping the king's hares a year.

19 A. The Princess's Birth-Marks (Prinsessens mærker); GÆ II 8, comp. Gr 114.

19 B. The Riddle of the Wooer (Prinsessen skal gætte gåden); Gr 22.

20. The Princess who can not help laughing (Prinsessen må le).

A. Stick to! [The Golden Goose] (Hold fast!); GÆ III p. 31, Gr 64.

B. The Scarabees (Skellebasserne); Koehler, Kl. schriften I p. 43.

21. It's a lie! (Prinsessen siger: lögn); GlM I 224, Gr 112.

22. The Princess Brought to Silence (Munden stoppet på prinsessen); GÆ III p. 39, Cosq. 51.

23 A. The Shoes that were danced to Pieces (Troldebruden); GlM III 3, Gr 133.

23 B. The Princess in the Coffin (Prinsessen i kisten); GÆ I 13.

24. The Skilful Huntsman (Skytten); JF VII 18, Gr 111.

25 A. The Twins (Fostbrodrene); GÆ I 8, Gr 60.

25 B. Littleshort and his Brother (Lillekort og hans bror); Kamp I 2. Asbj. 24 (no supernatural birth; brother not slain by brother, eye stolen from witch).

26. The Monster's Bride [Amor & Psyche] (Uhyrets brud); GÆ I 16, GlM I 107. II 8. III 84, Gr 88. 127.

27 & 28. Lady Featherflight. — 27. The True Sweetheart (Den kloge pige); GÆ II 7, Gr 186. — 28. The Flight from the Witch (Flugten fra heksen); GÆ I 5, Gr 51.