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FFC 90
850—999 Novella.

850—999 Novella.

850—869 Hand of princess is won.

850. Cf Mt *572; Mt *594; Mt 853 *A; and Mt 900 *A.
851—854. Cf 571—Mt 574.
851. Cf Mt 927 *B.
II Various, depending on riddle in III.
III *d I shot at what I saw; killed what I did not see; and ate that which was not born. My mother killed Panda; Panda killed three. *e Borona killed Paula; Paula killed two; two killed seven. I passed between the hard and soft, below was the dead, above were two singing. I ate unborn meat, cooked with the Holy Writ, and drank water which was neither in the sky nor on earth. *f Dead Paula killed seven; seven killed three. I shot at what I saw, killed what I did not see; and ate dead and unborn meat passed through the flames of the Church. I drank water neither in the sky nor on earth. Hard on soft and three birds on top singing. *g Drink this wine which a culiblanca was carrying to its nest. I come mounted on that which is not born and am dressed from its mother. *h Cuckoo on pine; fish on bridge; snake in hole; last in sack; and on entering the palace — chuchurrutaco. *i Cake killed Adela; Adela killed three. I ate unborn meat and drank water which was neither in the sky nor on earth. *j Cuckoo above cuckoo I see; serpent in hole; on entering the palace — chuculatrero. *k I took what I did not want. I threw the good out of the better. He spoke to me whom I had never seen.