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ABC — Abbreviations precede all cited texts.
† — Works not containing Spanish folktales but whose titles might be so construed.
* — Works with promising titles I have not seen.
)( — Titles encountered incidental to the search for Spanish folktales which may pertain to the study of Bask, Catalan, Galician or Spanish-American folktales.
Bibliographic works.
BP — J. Bolte and G. Polívka, Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm, Leipzig, Dieterich 1913—18, 3 vols. There is a bibliography at the end of volume III, but many more titles are cited within the work. I have included all the BP Spanish references.
Catalogus van Folklore in de koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, Humanitas 1919—20, 2 vols. Spain, Portugal and Azores in I 477—85 and Supplement I 605—6 and 626.
A. Guichot y Sierra, Noticia histórica del folklore. Origenes en todos los paises hasta 1890. Desarrollo en España hasta 1921, Sevilla, Alvarez 1922. Reviewed by F. Krüger in Revista de filología española 1922 IX 338. The most extensive folklore bibliography I have seen in Spanish, although poorly arranged.