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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
*1848. Hungry, penniless students pledge parts of a meal. First takes two turkeys and tells dealer they are for bishop who will pay for them after mass. Second steals rolls, crackers and fritters from bakery. Third procures wine. They blindfold innkeeper's wife and agree that one she catches will pay bill. When she is blindfolded they flee. Innkeeper comes in and she catches him, saying he must pay. He says he knows that [K 455.4]. oc 1. ECPE no 197: Mt *1848 + Mt 1642 V. Cf Mt 1585—Mt 1594.
*1850. Student sends note to count by shoemaker. Note asks count to detain shoemaker a few days while student steals shoemaker's wife. Count does so, and when shoemaker returns his wife is gone [K 1388]. as 1. LRAC no 105.
*1852. Student takes place of ass which peasant is leading on rope while another student leads ass off and sells it. Student explains to peasant he was turned into an ass in punishment for his wicked student life but now God freed him through intercession of his father. He begs peasant to say nothing of the matter for the good of both, and departs. Peasant returns to fair and recognizes his ass. He whispers in its ear, "Let someone buy you who does not know you".
Cf Mt 754 *C and Mt 1529.
BLC I 259.
an 1. CCA p. 51.

[1855—1864 Criminal].

*1855. Criminal sentenced to hang refuses to confess. But finally priest induces him, reminding him he would dine with Christ that evening. Mule that carries him to scaffold goes very fast, and criminal says