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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Bush, Fox says his tail is b, 5.

Bushel level, 1182.

Butcher, Devout b protects murderer of his father, 756 *D; Girl would marry a b, 707.

Butter cask taken for dead man, 1314; stolen by playing godfather, 15.

Buttermilk, Fox pretends his brains are b, 3.

Buttock, Girl replaces meat with piece of her b, *1374 B.

Buying wood, 1048.

Cage, Boy in c of twoface man, 327 *F.

Cain's sons at war, 840 *A.

Cake magically grows larger, 751.

Calf and parson, 1739.

Call, Must not call for wife, 400.

Calling, Disenchanting monster by c him son, 708.

Calumniated girl, 451, 706, 707, 712, 883 A, *891, 892.

Candle becomes bone, 836 *F; Drying the c, 1270; held by cat, 217; of life, 311 *A, 708 *A; Spilt c wax causes lover to disappear, 425.

Candles on crayfish, 1740; on grave of condemned woman, *834; Walking in circle with c breaks enchantment, 425 *D.

Candy, Fool eats c, *1703.

Cannibal, 406*.

Cap renders wearer invisible, 302 *A; Traveling c, 566; pays bills, *1846.

Cap o' Rushes, 510 B.

Cape, Anthony crosses river on c, *771; of innkeeper borrowed by student, 1642.

Caps changed in bed, 327, 328 *A.

Captive escapes by deceiving captor, 122.

Captivity, Ungrateful serpent returned to c, 155.

Captured animals ransom themselves, 159; giant, 328.

Cardplaying parson, 1839.

Card winner, 313, *345.

Carnation sweetheart, 652.

Carnations, Boys appear from c, 425 *D.

Carnival revelers punished, 836 *B.

Carpenter's daughter married to rich merchant, *769 A.

Carpet, Traveling c, 653.

Carpeting palace with small amount of cloth, 707.

Carriage, Box becomes c, *557; Priest has c (Repetition), *2227; Wedding c magically stopped, 313.

Carrying Christ Child, 768; the horse, 1082; wife to lover, *1424; Wolf c fox, *64.

Cart, Toad tries to upset c, *288 A.

Cask filled with gold, *773 B.

Casks, Thieves hide in oil c, 954.

Casting eyes, 1006.