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FFC 90
Key word list.

and sausage keep h, 85; of feathers and stone, 124; Repairing h, 1010; that Jack built, 2035.

Housekeeper and priest exposed by cock, *1829.

Houses of branches and grass, straw, stone and iron, 124; of wood and ice, 43.

Human chain, 1250.

Humiliated bride, 900.

Hunchbacks, Three h, 1536 B.

Hunchback's hump transferred to another, 425 B, 503.

Hungry parson, 1775.

Hunter bends bow, 246; called "slayer of parents", 931 *A; Fox disguises as h 154; kills bear, 157; Skilful h, 304.

Hunting lies, 1890—1909.

Husband behind statue says good food will make him blind, 1380; behind statue urges wife to work, *1375; carries wife to lover, *1424; Conversation with dying h, *805; Good h for bad wife and bad h for good wife, 822; Homecoming h, 974*, 1360 C, 1419; locked out, 1377; Lover unknowingly confides in h, 1364 *A; Plank between h and wife, *1355; Praying for a h, 1476; Search for lost h, 425; Supernatural or enchanted h, 425—449; Who will be her future h, 737*.

Husband's blind eye covered, 1419 C.

I do not know, 532, 1700*; got 2 you got 1, 361.

Ice, Houses of wood and i, 43; mill, 1097; Tail lost in i, 2.

Idler does not provide for winter, Misc *2.

If God so wills, 830, 836 *A.

Image broken, 1643.

Imagination, Boy with active i 2411.

Imitation, Foolish i, 1.

Imitator of witch, *746.

Immortals, Journey to land of i, 313*.

Inappropriate or stupid use of church ritual, 1840—1844.

Indirect expressions, 1940, of news of death, *925 A; f sex of newborn child, *925 B.

Industrious girl and lazy boy, 822.

Industry puts laziness to shame, 249.

Ingratitude of serpent, 290—294.

Innkeeper beheads girl for her savings, 780 *A; Never sleep at inn of old i and young wife, 910 B; steals from Devil's servant, 475; steals magic objects, 563; strikes corpse, 1535.

Innkeeper's cape borrowed by student, 1642; wife tricked by students, *1848.

Innocence, 880—899.

Innocent slandered maiden, 883 A.

Insect, 275—289; and man, 290—299.