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FFC 90

buch, hrsg v..., Berlin, Teubner 1924. Two tales repr. from CPA pp. 86 and 73.

CR — F. Caballero, Relaciones, Leipzig, Brockhaus 1876. One tale on p. 242, transl. into German in WBVC p. 196 no 2.
CST — F. Caballero, Spanish fairy tales, transl. by J. H. Ingram, New York, Burt [1920]. The text and pagination of this book are identical with those of CBT. Citations are made only to CST, which is more accessible. Contains 33 tales, two of which are from A. Trueba, the others from COAR and CPA.
CTA — C. Cabal, Los cuentos tradicionales asturianos, Madrid, Voluntad [1924].
DCPC — P. Diaz Cassou, La literatura panocha. Leyendas, cuentos, perolatas y soflamas de la huerta de Murcia, Madrid, Fortanet 1895.
DCPM — P. Diaz Cassou, Pasionaria murciana. La cuaresma y la semana santa en Murcia. Costumbres, romancero, procesiones, esculturas y escultores, cantos populares, folklore, Madrid, Fortanet 1897. One tale on p. 231.
DEA — Demófilo, Colección de enigmas y adivinanzas en forma de diccionario, Sevilla, Baldaraque 1880. Cited by BP.
C. M. Dean, A comparative study of certain Spanish-American folktales, M. A. Diss, Indiana University 1929 (Unpublished). Classifies according to Aarne some of the folktales published in JAF from Mexico, New Mexico, Guatemala and Porto Rico. I include these references under type headings without checking or analyzing them.
† — N. Diaz de Escovar, Cuentos malagüeños y chascarrillos de mi tierra, Madrid, Noticiero-Guia 1911.