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FFC 90
Key word list.
Stable, Putting horse into s, 1415 *A; Sitting on ass in s, 1696; Wolves in s dance, 1652.

Stag admires antlers in spring, 77; discovered by master, 162**.

Stairs to which Devil sticks, 330.

Stakes, Head of unsuccessful suitors on s, 329, 507 A.

Stars, Visit to s, 425, *445 B, 451.

Statue demands fair price for bread, *769 C; Husband behind s says good food will make him blind, 1380; Husband behind s urges wife to work, *1375; Invited s of Christ, 750 B; Lover behind s punishes husband, 1364 *A; Moustache of pretended saint's s, *1787 B; offered bread, *767; Sacristan as s of Christ, *1787 C; Wasps under pretended saint's s, *1787 A; yields money for goats sold to it, 1643.

Steal, Novises or sacristan s pears, 1840 *A.

Stealing corpse's entrails, 366; giant's treasure, 328; jewels from corpse, *1654; judge's oxen, 1525.

Steals, Confessor s rope with mare on it, *1800 A; Mouse s cheese (Cumulative), 2030 *C.

Stepmother buries girl alive, 780 *B; causes birth of monster child, 708; jealous of stepdaughter's beauty, 709; murders boy, 720; throws girl and her child into water, 403; turns boy into roe, 450; wounds bird lover, 432.

Stepmother's corpse, 1535; dream, 4031 *.

Stew, Mouse falls into s (Cumulative), *2023.

Stick from body, 1181, that beats, 330, 563.

Sticking to goose, 571; to poker, 593; to tree or bench, 330.

Sticks in princess' mouth, *435.

Stinging, Race won by s opponents, 275 *B.

Stingy dead woman revives to correct account, *1482; parson and slaughtered pig, 1792.

Stolen mirror, 434.

Stomach of hanged man stolen, 366; of sheep stolen, *1800 D.

Stomach, See belly.

Stone becomes red as sign of disobedience, 311; Biting s, 1061; Black s breaks enchantment, 400 *B; count revived, 707; Farmer feeds serpent hot s, 285 *A; Flower from s table, 755; house, 124; indicates chastity, 870 A; Magic s in fire, 593; of grief, *445 B, 706 *B; Rump taken for s, 1363 *A; servant revived, 516; Squeezing s, 1060; Throwing s, 1062.