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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Tears, Disenchantment by t, 425; of birds restore sight, 425 *D; of wife restore sight, 310; River of t, 471 *A.

Tearing up orchard, 1011.

Teeth, Hanging by t to horse's tail, 47 A; Horse kicks wolf's t, 47 B.

Temper punished, 836 *D.

Teresa eats chicken, *769 B.

Tests of sex, 884.

Thank God they were not peaches, 1689.

Theft by playing godfather, 15; causes soul's torment, 760; Fox's t of his mother's berries, 39; of lamb, 15; of young, 56; through substitution of ass, *1852, or horse, 1529.

Thief, 950—974; applies priest's words to himself, *1800 D; bridegroom, 955; descends on moonbeam, 852 *A; Girl outwits t, 700, 956 B; in oil barrel, 954 *A; King and t, 951 A; Master t, 1525; Princess rescued from t husband, *959; relates 3 adventures, 953; Religious t, 1525 *G; revealed by priest singing mass, 1831 *C; Skilful t, 653.

Thieves adopt girl, 709; Bear chases t, 957; Clever maiden kills t, 956 B; Disguised boy avenges self of t, 1538; Forty t, 954; frightened leave loot, 700; Killing t one by one, 956 B; Shepherd escapes from t, 958; under tree, 1653.

Thieves', Boy in t den, 327 *E; Cutting off t heads one by one, 302 *A, 956 A; Girls in t den, *970; house, 956 A; loot shared by pretended dead and creditor, *1716.

Thieving pot, 591.

Think carefully before you begin a task, 910 C; thrice before you speak, 1562.

Thistleflower reveals murderer, 960.

Thorn in head, *449; Rose, 410.

Thorns in hazelnuts, *860; Jew in t, 592.

Thread, Travel till t is unwound, 425.

Threat to haul away warehouse, 1046.

Three brothers, 654; brothers bargain with Devil, 360; brothers doctors, 660; brothers, golden sons, 707; counsels of fox, 150; green twigs, 756; hunchbacks, 1536 B; joint depositors, 1591; languages, 671; lost children taken by giant, 327**; lucky brothers, 1650; magic objects and wonderful fruit, 566; old women helpers, 501; oranges, 408; persons as stupid as wife, 1384; sins of hermit, 839; snake leaves, 612; wishes, 750 A.

Thresh, Christ and Peter must t for lodgings, 752 A.