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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
† — G. García-Arista y Rivera, Fruta dc Aragón. Envio primero: Enverada. Envio segundo: Escoscada. Envio tercero: Abatollada. I have at hand Envio tercero: Abatollada. Cuentos, episodios, cuadros aragoneses, Madrid 1927, but I have found no folktales in it.
)( — W. Giese, "Sobre el origen de un cuento popular vasco" in Revisia internacioiial de estudios vascos, 1923 XIV 535—6 and 1924 XV 191—3.
L. Giner Arivau, Contribucion al folklore de Astitrias. Folklore de Proaza. See BTPE VIII 103—310.
† — W. Grimm, "Spanische Märchen" in Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum, 1859 XI 210—15. Chiefly comments on Duran and Milá.
HCVK — F. Caballero, Spanische Volkslieder und Volksreime; spanische Volks- und Kindermärchen; einfache Blüthen religiöser Poesie, nach den von F. Caballero gesammelten Originalen in's Deutsche übertragen von Wilhelm Hosäus, Paderborn, Schöningh 1862.
HCWT — B. Henderson and C. Calvert, Wonder tales of ancient Spain, London, Allan 1924. The following letter from Mr Calvert, dated at London, November 28, [1928], explains very accurately the character of these tales. They fit in closely enough with the truly popular tales so that I believe it is wise to include them. "In answer to your enquiries, the Spanish Tales were based on memories of legends, heard in Spain during residence in that country. As this residence, unfortunately, dates back many years, the stories are not exact reproductions of legends, as told by the people themselves. We have, to the best of our ability, adhered to the general spirit of