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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

a hand's breadth and have some left; third says she should bear him seven princes with star on forehead) b, II a (Motherinlaw has devil change letter to read seven dogs) c b, III *e, IV b (Children) c.

708 *A. King picks rose for queen. He is awakened in night by voice; opens box in which rose has been placed, and out steps a beautiful maiden [D 431.1.1]. She causes queen to be imprisoned, and becomes king's wife [K 1911], Prince finds his mother and takes food to her secretly. Rosegirl sends prince to bring her water from fountain. On way he meets old man who warns him not to look back or to be detained by girls at fountain. Rosegirl sends him back for three lemons; and for three oranges. He returns with all. She sends him away from the palace. Old man disguises him and takes him to palace of rosegirl's sisters. He blows out the lifecandles [E 742] of rosegirl and her sisters. Queen is restored. an 1. BTPE I 172 = RSLT p. 39. 2. SCL p. 72. Cf LRAF p. 40 no 7 for nymph's thread from fountain.
709. II *c Stepmother takes girl for a walk to a high cliff; opens diabolical book; trap opens in cliff and girl is buried.
III *d Magic ring. *e Bewitched shoes. *f Bewitched shirtwaist.
V * b Hunter's dogs discover the grave. Servant removes jewels and girl revives. Hunter offers to marry her but she will marry only the one who removed the jewels. *c Prince takes her to his room. His mother and servant discover her, and remove the shoes; or she is left in church to be buried and sacristan removes shirtwaist, she revives and prince marries her. *d Robbers give her much money and burn stepmother in boiling oil.