Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/23

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my stay there. Her portraits of the various types are taken from life, and are faithful delineations of the characters they represent.

The illustrations on pages 65, 265, 429, and opposite page 183, were kindly sketched for me by Ramon Casteñada, a young student of the San Carlos Academy.

The initals and outline sketches were drawn by P. G Cusachs.

While the body of the work has been the result of my personal experiences and observations among the Mexican people, in the historical chapters I have availed myself of the researches of Hubert Howe Bancroft in his histories of Mexico from 1804 to 1861; Prescott's Conquest of Mexico; also Brantz Mayer's Mexico: Aztec, Spanish and Republic, and Mexico as It Was and as It Is; also Humboldt's works on Mexico.

F. C. G.