Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/28

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shown him—Abdication and exile—Return and capture—Execution—The grandson of the Emperor adopted by Maxmilian and Carlotta—The mother regains possession of her son—Madame Iturbide—Vicente Guerrero—Guerrilla warfare—Capture and execution—The Bravos, father and son—Magnanimous conduct of Nicolas Bravo—Guadalupe Victoria, first President of Mexico—General Santa Anna—His wonderful career—Exile, return and death—Promulgation of the Federal Chart—Benito Juarez, the Indian President—Tomb of Juarez—His glorious career—Don Melchor Ocampo—His tragic end—Distinguished patriots—Bancroft's criticisms on the American war—Helen Hunt Jackson—Intermarriages of Americans and Mexicans—Causes of the Mexican war—Congress—Madam Diaz and Mrs. Cleveland—General Diaz—Sketch of his life and adventures.


Primitive literature—The twelve Franciscan friars, the pioneers of Mexican literature—Toribio Benavente—Bernardino de Sahagún—Las Casas and other early writers—Literary Association—General Palacio as a writer—Literary entertainment at his mansion—Altamirano—Guillermo Prieto—Juan de Dios Peza, the "Mexican Longfellow"—Francisco Sosa—Members of the literati—Mexican journalism—The Liceo Morelos—Mexican Press Association—Women writers—"Maraposa Indiana"—A pleasing token.



"The Silent Aztec Child of the Sun"—Poetical contribution by Joaquin Miller—Contrast between the Mexican and American Indian—Ingenuity of the former—Contentment of the laboring class—Clothing—Fine needlework—Advancement in education—Types—Courtesy among the poor—Their love of music—The lepero—The China Poblana—Making a portrait under difficulties—Social life and courtship—Marriage ceremonies—Bridal costumes—Street conversation—Mexican mole—Servant—Their devotion to their employers—Wages—Novel methods of keeping accounts Hospitality among the poor—Sewing-machines—Babies—Beauty of the juveniles—The evangelista (letter writer)—Annoying peddlers—An ingenious trick—Various avocations—Characteristic conversation—The lavanderas—The aguador, or water-carrier—Ancient superstitious beliefs—Modern superstitions—The tamalera—The curandera, or doctor—"I became a doctor by my natural intelligence"—Pharmacy extraordinary
