Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/420

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"Bueno, si no me deja, se lo digo al gendarme que ahi viene!" ("Well, if you don't let me go, I'll tell the policeman who is coming there!") she threateningly answers.

"Digaselo, el no tiene que ver con mis negocios!" ("Tell him, then; he has no right to know my business!") says the man, insolently. And when she sees that she can't go, then she says, entreatingly:

''Que quiere? y dejme ir que se me hace tarde" ("What do you want? Let me go, now, because it is getting late").

He: "Pos ya se lo dije que si me quiere ó no!" ("I have already asked you, do you love me or not?").

"Pos yo lo quisiera pero dicen que es casado, pos para que me quiere? entonces vayase con su mujer!" ("I should like you, but I was told that you are married; if so, what do you want with me? Go on to your wife!") she replies.

"Miré nada mas lo que son las jentes de mentirosas. Quien se lo dijo? Si fuera casado, no la quisiera, pos digame nada mas" ("See what story-tellers the people are! Who told you? If I was married, I wouldn't love you. Only tell me"), he retorts.

"Bueno, que deveras me quiere?" ("Weil, is it really true that you love me? ") she now pleasantly replies.

"Pos hasta la paré d'enfrente, como no? V mas dulce que un acitron y mas buena que'I pan caliente. Qualquiera sénamora de V. nada mas con que se le quite un poquito el genio de Suegra que tiene, entonces si valia la plata, pero no tenga cuidado que yo se lo quitare!" ("I love you about as much as that wall in front of us. Why not? You're sweeter than preserves or candy, and better than hot bread. Whoever sees you will love you, only you must leave off some of that hot temper such as mothers-in-law have, and then you'll be equal to a silver mine; but never mind, don't bother yourself, I'll get all that out of you!")

After this, her hot temper gets the better of her, and, tossing his hand from her shoulder, and releasing the rebozo, she says:

"Déjeme! déjeme! " ("Get out the way, and let me alone!"), and.