Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/535

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2. My fatherland is dear, but I too left it;
Far am I from the spot where I was born;
Cheerless is life, fierce storms of joy bereft it;
Made me an exile lifelong and forlorn.
Come then to me, sweet feathered pilgrim stranger;
Oh! let me clasp thee to my loving breast,
And list thy warbling low, secure from danger.
Unwonted tears bringing relief and rest.

2. Dejé tambien mi patria idolatrada,
Esa mansion que me miró nacer;
Mi Vida es hoy errante y angustiada,
Y ya no puedo á mi mansion volver.
Ah! ven, querida amable peregrina;
Mi corazon al tuyo estrechare,
Oiré tu canto tierna golondrina,
Recordaré mi patria, y luego lloraré.