Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/563

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and a powerful agency of progress. Petroleum also exists in great abundance, but is still undeveloped. Though Mexico is a land of light, still more light is needed.

The culture and manufacture of silk promise success in the future. Mulberry trees flourish in many localities, and the climate is so fine that silk-worms require no protection.

There are sections well adapted to the growth of cotton, but it is cultivated only to a limited extent; the principal part of that used being supplied from the United States.

The mining and working of the precious metals had been carried on for centuries before the discovery of the New World. We read that the conquerors were amazed and their cupidity excited by the richness and splendid workmanship displayed in the costly peace-offering of Montezuma. Bernal Diaz enumerates among them "thirty golden ducks exactly resembling the living bird; also, a round plate about the size of a wagon-wheel, representing the sun, the whole of finest gold, a most extraordinary work of art; and a round plate, even larger than the former, of massive silver, representing the moon, with rays and other figures on it, as well as a quantity of gold trinkets," all displaying the most beautiful and skillful workmanship.


Mining investments for Americans have generally proved a sad experience. But still they venture, working and waiting, hoping against hope. They give up comfortable homes to labor and toil as never before, deprived of every comfort, and at last are forced to leave the scenes of their unfruitful labors ruined in fortune and hopes, and with en-