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“That is more than I can say,” he answered. “Perhaps when you are old I shall be obliged to go away.”

Then Penelope asked Sunbeam the Second—

“Shall you always stay in my eyes?”

“I hope so,” said Sunbeam the Second; “but perhaps if you are unhappy I shall be obliged to go away.”

Then the corners of Penelope’s mouth began to droop a little.

“Dear Sunbeam,” she said to Sunbeam the Third, “shall you be always in my heart?”

“Yes, if you keep me there,” said Sunbeam the Third.

“How can I keep you there?” asked Penelope.

“You must love the fairies,” said the sunbeam, “and understand them when they speak to you. If you love the fairies even when you are old, I shall stay in your heart always.”

These stories have been written for Penelope, so that she may love the fairies, and keep the sunbeam always in her heart.