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top of it, the bird talked like an oracle; Cherry thoughu he might catch it with very little trouble since it appeared to he very tame. He alighted off his horse, and climbed up without making any noise, when all of a sudden the rock opened, and he fell motionless into a large hall. His two brothers likewise set out with the same hopes, and met with the same misfortune.

Fair-star seeing none of her brothers return, was inconsolable, and without further hesitation, ordered their servant to stay six months, and if neither she nor her brothers returned in that time, to go and acquaint the Corsair and his wife with their deaths. Then dressing herself in man's clothes, to secure her from any insults on her journey, Feintisa had the pleasure to see her set out on her Isabella horse, and immediately ran full of joy to regale the queen of the news,

Fair-star in her way saw a turtle dove, no less white nor cold than the snow it lay upon, and taking it up, said, What shall I do lovely turtle to save thy life? To which it answered, One sweet kiss Fair-star, will finish what you have so charitably begun, She kissed it immediately, and the turtle reviving, said, I thank you foa what you have done, and now I will do something for you. When you come to the rock instead of attempting to climb it, stay at the bottom, and pretend to be asleep; when the green bird sees me, he will come from the rock to peck me, and then you must take the advantage and catch him. She did so, and by the directions of the turtle took a red feather out of the green bird's wing, and touching the rock with it three times, the enchantment was broke, and her brothers with many others set free.