Page:Fairy tales and stories (Andersen, Tegner).djvu/194

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you can look at them in their beds all the better. But I hope, when you have risen to a post of dignity and honor, that you will show you have a grateful heart ! "

"Oh, it is n't worth talking about ! " said the crow from the forest.

They now entered the first room, the walls of which were hung with rose-colored satin and artificial flowers ; the dreams were already rushing past them, but they swept on at such a great speed that Gerda could not see the royal personages.

Each room was more magnificent than the last ; it was enough to be- wilder any one. They were now in the bedroom, the ceiling ot which was like a large palm-tree with leaves of the most costly glass, and in the middle of the room hung in a silken cord two beds, resembling lilies ; the one in which the princess lay was white, the other was red; and it was in this that Gerda was to look for little Kay. She pulled aside one of the red leaves and then saw a brown neck. Oh, that must be Kay ! She called his name aloud and held the lamp over him, — the dreams came rushing back into the room on horseback, — he awoke, turned his head, and — it was not little Kay.

They only resembled each other about the neck, but the prince was a young and very handsome man. The princess peeped out from her lily- white bed and asked what was the matter. Little Gerda then began to cry and told them her whole story and all that the crows had done for her.

"Poor little creature!" said the prince; and the princess praised the crows, telling them that they were not at all angry with them, but that they must not do it again. In the meantime they should receive a reward. " Would you like to have your freedom and fly away ? " asked the princess, " or would you like an appointment as crows to the court, with all the leavings of the kitchen as your perquisites?"

And both the crows curtseyed and asked for the appointments, for they thought of their old age, and said : " It would be so nice to know that we are provided for," as they put it.

And the prince got out of his bed and let Gerda sleep in it, and more he could not do. She folded her little hands and thought: " How kind men and animals are to me ! " And then she closed her eyes and fell into a sweet sleep.

All the dreams came flying back into the room ; they now looked like angels, drawing a little sledge in which Kay was sitting nodding to her. But it was only a dream, and therefore it was all gone as soon as she awoke.

The following day she was dressed from top to toe in silk and velvet ; she received an invitation to remain in the palace and enjoy herself, but she only asked for a small coach and a horse, and a little pair of shoes, and she would again set out into the wide world to find Kay.

And she not only got the shoes, but a muff", and exquisite clothes, and