Page:Fairy tales and stories (Andersen, Tegner).djvu/49

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"The king greets the jumpers"


THE flea, the grasshopper, and the spring-goose[1] once wanted to see which of them could jump highest, and so they invited the whole world and everybody else who might care to see that kind of sport. When the three entered the room, all thought they were splendid specimens of jumpers.

"Well, I'll give my daughter to the one who jumps highest!" said the king; "for it would look so mean to let these people jump for nothing!"

The flea stepped forward first; he had such nice manners and bowed on every side, for he had the blood of grand ladies in his veins, and had been accustomed to associate only with human beings, which means a great deal.

Next came the grasshopper; he was certainly very much bigger, but he bore himself fairly well for all that, and wore a green uniform, the one he was born with. Moreover, as he said, he was connected with a very old family in the land of Egypt, and was highly esteemed here at home.

  1. An old-fashioned toy formerly much used in Denmark. It is made from the breast-bone of goose and, with the aid of a peg, some string, and cobblers' wax, can be made to jump.