Page:Fairy tales from the Arabian nights.djvu/16

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An Elephant Uproots the Tree Sinbad is in 241
The Princess of Bengal 245
The Princess lay Asleep on a Sofa 253
A Basket containing a Beautiful Little Boy 269
The Long-haired Dervish 275
"Look not Back, Parizade!" 281
The Speaking Bird orders Cucumbers stuffed with Pearls 295
The Sultan and the Speaking Bird 301
"Open, Sesame" 306
Cassim's Wife finds the Piece of Gold at the Bottom of the Measure 309
Baba Mustapha Led Blindfold by the Robber 320
Morgiana Dancing 333
King Solomon and the Rebellious Genie 341
"I am just Going to Throw you to the Bottom of the Sea 346
"Yes, Yes ; We Are ; if You Reckon, We Reckon" 350
"You are not Near Enough," said the Sultan,"Come Nearer" 364
The Black Mountain of Adamant 370
The Castle of Red Copper 378
The Greek King and the Physician Douban 394
"Pray, Uncle, Lend Me your Hand to Help Me out" 407
The Slave of the Ring 410
The Genie carries the Bride and Bridegroom to Aladdin' House 429
"Who will Change Old Lamps for New Ones ?" 451
Fatima Painting the Magician's Face 471