Page:Fairy tales from the Arabian nights.djvu/408

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I saw a door standing open just before me, through which I entered into a large hall, where I found forty young ladies of such perfect beauty that imagination could not surpass it; they were all most sumptuously apparelled. As soon as they saw me, they rose up, and said, with demonstrations of joy, 'Noble sir, you are very welcome.' Then one spoke to me in the name of the rest and said: 'We have been in expectation a long while of such a gentleman as you; your face assures us that you are master of all the good qualities we can wish for; and we hope you will not find our company disagreeable or unworthy of yours.'

They forced me, notwithstanding all the opposition I could make, to take a seat that was higher than their own, and though I signified that I was uncomfortable, 'That is your place,' said they; 'you are at present our lord, master, and judge, and we are your slaves, ready to obey your commands.'

Nothing in the world so much astonished me as the passionate eagerness of those fair ladies to do me all possible service. One brought me hot water to wash my feet, a second poured sweet-scented water on my hands; others brought me all sorts of necessaries, and change of apparel; others brought in a magnificent meal; and the rest came with glasses in their hands to pour out delicious wines, all in good order, and in the most charming manner possible. I ate and drank; after which the ladies placed themselves round me, and desired an account of my travels. I gave them a full history of my adventures, which lasted till night came on.

When I had made an end of my story, some of the forty ladies stayed to keep me company, whilst the rest, seeing that it was dark, rose up to fetch tapers. They brought a prodigious quantity, which made a wonderful light as if it had been day, and they were so well arranged that nothing could be more beautiful.

Other ladies covered a table with dry fruits, sweetmeats, and everything suitable. Some of the ladies came in with musical instruments, and formed a most charming concert. The others began a sort of ball, and danced two and two, one after another, with wonderful grace.

It was past midnight ere all this ended. At length one of the