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ment, 'I thought as I passed by, that it stood in its usual place; such substantial buildings are not so easily removed.'

'Go to my window,' said the sultan, 'and tell me if you can see it.'

The grand vizier went to the window, where he was struck with no less amazement than the sultan had been. When he was well assured that there was not the least appearance of this palace, he returned to the sultan 'Well,' said the sultan, 'have you seen Aladdin's palace?'

'Sir,' answered the vizier, 'your majesty may remember that I had the honour to tell you that that palace, which was the subject of your admiration, with all its immense riches, was only the work of magic and a magician, but your majesty would not pay the least attention to what I said.'

The sultan, who could not deny what the grand vizier had represented to him, flew into a great passion. 'Where is that impostor, that wicked wretch,' said he, 'that I may have his head cut off immediately?'

'Sir,' replied the grand vizier, 'it is some days since he came to take his leave of your majesty; he ought to be sent to to know what is become of his palace, since he cannot be ignorant of what has been done.'

'That is too great a favour,' replied the sultan: 'go and order a detachment of thirty horse, to bring him to me loaded with chains.' The grand vizier went and gave orders for a detachment of thirty horse, and instructed the officer who commanded them how they were to act, that Aladdin might not escape them. The detachment pursued their orders; and about five or six leagues from the town met him returning from hunting. The officer went up to him, and told him that the sultan was so impatient to see him, that he had sent them to accompany him home.

Aladdin had not the least suspicion of me true reason of their meeting him, but pursued his way hunting; but when he came within half a league of the city, the detachment surrounded him, and the officer addressed himself to him, and said, 'Prince Aladdin, it is with great regret that I declare to you the sultan's order to arrest you, and to carry you before him as a criminal; I beg