Page:Fairy tales from the Arabian nights.djvu/501

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only fastened with a latch, and he shut it again after he had got in, without any noise. When he entered the cell he perceived Fatima in the moonlight lying on a sofa covered only by an old mat, with her head leaning against the wall. He awakened her, and clapped a dagger to her breast.

Poor Fatima, opening her eyes, was very much surprised to see a man with a dagger at her breast ready to stab her. 'If you cry out,' he said, 'or make the least noise, I will kill you; but get up and do as I bid you.'

Fatima, who had lain down in her clothes, got up, trembling with fear. 'Do not be so frightened,' said the magician; 'I only want your gown: give it me at once, and take mine.' Accordingly